Sectoral employment diversification in rural areas across Polish subregions

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Nina Drejerska
Mariola Chrzanowska

Keywords : employment, rural areas, spatial autocorrelation, NUTS 3
Agriculture, forestry and fishing have been still a very important part of the labour market. However, the situation is diversified across Polish subregions. The objective of the study is to investigate sectoral employment diversification in rural areas across Polish subregions (NUTS 3). In order to do it, data on the subregional employment structure provided by the Central Statistical Office of Poland was used for computation of spatial autocorrelation described by Moran’s statistics. Results of this analysis display for example a cluster of subregions in south-east Poland, where employment in agriculture, forestry and fishing is a significant trend of predominantly rural subregions.

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How to Cite
Drejerska, N., & Chrzanowska, M. (2017). Sectoral employment diversification in rural areas across Polish subregions. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 104(4), 28–36.

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