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Aneta Mikuła
Stanisław Stańko

Keywords : retail price, farm price, food marketing chain, price spread (marketing margin), trends
The paper presents trends in the price spread (marketing margin, price margin) on the example of the market price of live pigs and sixteen retail market food products made from pork. The measure of the price spread was the ratio of retail prices and the prices of pork in the long term (monthly data from the years 1997-2014). Increase the price spread stated for such foods as ribs, smoked bacon, pork sausages, sausage “Myśliwska sucha”, minced meat and legs. The downward trend in the price spread appeared for the middle loin, boneless pork - shoulder, ham and cooked ham, loin “Sopocka” cooked, raw liver, and canned pork “Turystyczna”, and the relatively stable price gap occurred in the case of sausage “Krakowska sucha”, sausage “Toruńska” and luncheon meat.

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How to Cite
Mikuła, A., & Stańko, S. (2015). LONG-TERM CHANGES IN PRICE RELATIONS IN THE MARKETING CHAIN OF PORK IN POLAND. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 102(2), 47–56. https://doi.org/10.22630/RNR.2015.102.2.17

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