Problems of income stabilisation in agriculture

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Cezary Klimkowski
Włodzimierz Rembisz

Keywords : income, agricultural income, risk, insurance, income stabilisation, common agricultural policy
In the recent years, volatility of farmers’ income in European Union dramatically increases due to CAP changes, market and climatic circumstances. To address this problem some new instruments which can help in risk management are included in new CAP for the period 2014 to 2020. Authors of the paper try to evaluate usefulness of one of these new instruments – income stabilisation tool. Data from FADN about agricultural income of 5364 Polish farmers was used. It was proved that income stabilisation tool can be financially stable even when the premium is relatively low (0.5% of last year’s production value) and provide much better cover than traditional agricultural production insurance does.

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How to Cite
Klimkowski, C., & Rembisz, W. (2014). Problems of income stabilisation in agriculture. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 101(4), 85–96.

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