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Stanisław Bagieński
Aleksandra Perek

Keywords : cooperative bank, credit portfolio
For cooperative banks, in accordance with the “the Act on the Functioning of the cooperative banks, their associations and affiliated banks”, business area is limited depending on the level of own funds. The structure and quality of the loan portfolio of banks is strongly dependent on the financial condition of the customers and the economic conditions in the local market. The aim of the study was to evaluate the cooperative banks’ loan portfolio, depending on the location of their headquarters. The sample was constituted banks located on Mazovian Voivodeship, analysis was carried out in different sub regions. Research period were the years 2008 and 2012. Results of the study showed statistically significant differences among banks located in the sub-regions predominantly rural and intermediate.

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Bagieński, S., & Perek, A. (2014). THE STRUCTURE AND QUALITY OF LOAN PORTFOLIO DEPENDING ON THE LOCATION OF SEAT OF COOPERATIVE BANK FOR EXAMPLE MAZOVIA VOIVODESHIP. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 101(2), 102–111.

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