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Kamila Ruzickova

Keywords : agricultural company, costs of equity, net income, returns on equity, value spread
This paper provides unique comparisons of agricultural companies from the Visegrad Group countries using the value spread indicator. Companies in these countries have similar geographical conditions and they experienced relatively similar historical development. Nevertheless, the agricultural sector in each of these countries is different to some extent. The value spread indicator provides information about whether the costs of a company’s equity are covered by the returns on that equity. Moreover, this indicator serves as a verifier of the income valuation framework. The aim of this paper is to explore the value spread of agricultural companies in the countries of the Visegrad group both from country and primary activity perspectives. This paper finds that only a part of the companies sampled is able to create the income value and cover its costs from the returns on equity. Based on empirical tests, it was shown that there is a slightly positive dependence between the value spread and the country of origin of the agricultural company and between the value spread and the primary agricultural activity. Poland is the country with the majority of companies with a positive value spread and the most successful parts of agriculture are support and non-traditional activities.

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Ruzickova, K. (2013). THE AGRICULTURAL COMPANIES AND THEIR VALUE SPREAD WITHIN THE VISEGRAD GROUP. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 100(4), 91–102.

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