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Joanna Bereżnicka

Keywords : net working capital, circulating assets, current liabilities, family farm
The aim of this work was to define the working capital management strategies in two types of farms: dairy and arable. These groups of farms were taken from the FADN database. The same farms were investigated in the years 2004-2011. The share of circulating assets and current liability indicators in total assets, cash flow indicators and the share of liquid assets in circulating assets were used to define the strategies. Due to family farms having one “cash till” monetary means transferred to the family farm were used to calculate the share of liquid assets in circulating assets. The research confirmed that Polish family farms use a conservative asset management approach. This was proven by liquidity indicators and the high share of monetary means in assets. Farmers were also conservative in their approach toward short-term debt.

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How to Cite
Bereżnicka, J. (2013). WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES OF FAMILY FARMS IN POLAND. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 100(4), 25–33.

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