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Monika Utzig

Keywords : direct payment, agriculture, rent-seeking
To analyze direct payment in agriculture in Poland, the paper applies rent-seeking theory, defined as spending resources in order to gain an increase in share in existing wealth instead of producing new goods and services. Financial support of agriculture is justified because agriculture supplies a spectrum of public goods. The effectiveness in gaining direct payment by individual farmers in Poland increased in the years 2004-2012, and significant improvement has been observed since 2010. At the voivodship level the effectiveness in gaining direct payment is correlated only with an age of an individual farm user, and the effectiveness was higher when the number of individual farms with a user under the age of 35 was higher.

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How to Cite
Utzig, M. (2013). DIRECT PAYMENT IN AGRICULTURE AND RENT-SEEKING THEORY. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 100(3), 123–131.

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