The degree of optimization of websites of rural tourism facilities for search engines

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Karol Król

Keywords : rural tourism, optimization, responsiveness, goal conversion, SEO audit
Profitability of touristic activity conducted at rural areas usually depends on the number of provided overnight stays. Constant inflow of customers is particularly significant for objects that conduct commercialised activity. It would not be possible without marketing activities in the Internet. A website is a basic tool in the internet marketing. The website prepared with a view to perform certain functions may be ineffective when it will not be visible in search results. This visibility can be increased by optimization activities. The aim of the research was to measure the level of optimization of websites of rural tourism objects for search engines. The surveys were performed in the set of 712 websites in the form of the SEO audit by means of the selected internet applications. Evaluation of the level of optimization of every website was obtained using the method of unitarization. It was proved by means of the Pearson linear correlation that significant relation between websites’ responsivity and the level of their optimization for search engines took place. There are two recommendations that result from the surveys: the owners of rural tourism objects should adapt their websites to mobile devices and concentrate their activities on gaining contents generated by users.

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How to Cite
Król, K. (2018). The degree of optimization of websites of rural tourism facilities for search engines. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 105(2), 110–121.

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