Changes in the market of energy from renewable sources in the UE under the conditions of the strategy of circular bioeconomy

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Jarosław Gołębiewski

Keywords : circular economy, bioenergy, waste
The study evaluates changes in the production and consumption of energy from renewable sources in the conditions of the development of circular bioeconomy. The general structure of the energy market was presented and then the importance of bioenergy, other renewable energy sources and energy from waste in the EU energy system was analyzed. Research shows that the current EU policy has brought a significant increase in the use of renewable energy sources in the structure of energy production and consumption in the EU. It was also found that the use of waste in energy production in the EU is low and significantly diversified in individual member states.

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Gołębiewski, J. (2018). Changes in the market of energy from renewable sources in the UE under the conditions of the strategy of circular bioeconomy. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 105(2), 82–92.

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