Educational Preferences Of Young People On The Example Of The Municipality Staroźreby

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Ludmiła Będzikowska

Keywords : rural population, education, barriers, economic development
Differences between the areas are caused by different barriers: demographic, settlement, the state of technical infrastructure. Most municipialities with problems can be found in east and central Poland. The Municipality of Staroźreby is an agricultural municipality near Plock. Its residents’ educational level is under average in comparison with the rest of the population of Poland and the process of depopulation is progressing. Most of the gymnasium students (43%) want to continue their studies in high schools and in the future at universities. The rest of students choose technical and vocational schools – this choice is motivated by getting a profession as soon as possible

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How to Cite
Będzikowska, L. (2011). Educational Preferences Of Young People On The Example Of The Municipality Staroźreby. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 98(3), 205–2012.

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