Research And The Measurement Of Regional Development On The Example Of Zachodniopomorskie Province

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Grażyna Karmowska

Keywords : regions development, development factors, development indicators
One of the main issue with regions research is to state theirs development factors and using then In further analysis. Synthetic measures gives first ball park figure rating of regions development while particular measures let us rate the problem deeper. Gaining common benchmark for each unit of territorial setup, based on accepted system of economical gauges, let us treat all models equal. On the state of economic activities and the level of enterprises testify the number of company national economies of registered in REGON. Rates let the location determine the level of the regional specialization and the dominating function of provinces and the region.

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How to Cite
Karmowska, G. (2011). Research And The Measurement Of Regional Development On The Example Of Zachodniopomorskie Province. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 98(2), 85–93.

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