The position of the cooperative sector in the national economy of Poland

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Danuta Mierzwa

Keywords : investment, global production, gross national product, cooperative, employment
The article presents the position of the cooperative sector in Poland’s national economy in the years 1989-2008. By analyzing four economic categories, such as the share of cooperatives in gross national product and global production as well as in employment and investment outlays one may claim that the economic position of the cooperative companies has been remarkably weakened. In the course of the last 20 years their share in GNP has decreased by 7.6 percentage points (from 9.5% in 1989 to 1.9% in 2008) and in global production – by 9.5 percentage points (from 11 % to 1.5%), in employment – by 10.4 PP (from 12.5% to 2.1%) and in investment outlays – by 16.9 percentage points (from 18.7% to 1.8%). Despite the fact that the speed of decrease in these economic categories has been reduced, one cannot claim that the situation of the cooperative sector has become stable.

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How to Cite
Mierzwa, D. (2010). The position of the cooperative sector in the national economy of Poland. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 97(3), 181–185.

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