Logistic, organizational and technological circumstances for building distribution and production networks of ecological products

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Ludosław Drelichowski

Keywords : ecological products, competitive advantage, logistic bases, ecological product networks
Searching market niches in offer for global market is a very difficult task, because this goal include simultaneously several producers of food and agribusiness firms. Market niches of ecological products are determined by circumstances connected to very quick decreasing of quality advantages especially when the offer concerns ecological products. Frittering Polish farms and occurring climatic conditions are reason that it can be realized in a big scale manufacturing and distribution of eggs of “0” class. It can be an offer of Polish ecological products which limits maximum concentration of hens to 200 ones per hectare. Big number of small farms seeing up to now as systemic disadvantage let wait for organizing networks coordinated by integrators of logistic bases of ecological eggs producers in number between 80 000 and 120 000 farms what can decide competitive advantages under Polish circumstances.

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How to Cite
Drelichowski, L. (2010). Logistic, organizational and technological circumstances for building distribution and production networks of ecological products. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 97(3), 81–87. https://doi.org/10.22630/RNR.2010.97.3.35

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