Local self-government entities debt with the focus on rural communes

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Alina Daniłowska

Keywords : local government, debt, credit, municipal bond, infrastructural investment
The aim of the paper is to evaluate the scope, structure, causes and sources of local self-government entities debt in Poland with especial focus on debt of rural communes. The analysis showed that scope of rural communes debt increased noticeably during examined period as well the debt of other local self-government entities. Extremely high increase was observed in the year 2009. It resulted from the realization infrastructural investments co financed with the EU funds. Rural communes used the communal bonds as a source of financing much more rarely than other kinds of local self-government entities. The low share of foreign debt is the other remarkable feature of rural communes debt.

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How to Cite
Daniłowska, A. (2010). Local self-government entities debt with the focus on rural communes. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 97(3), 72–80. https://doi.org/10.22630/RNR.2010.97.3.34

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