Participation of young researchers in realization of European research projects as an opportunity to improve methodological capabilities

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Edward Majewski

Keywords : international research projects, costs and benefits, young researchers
Active involvement of young scientists in research activities in early stages of their careers in science undoubtedly is a key driver of their professional development. Specifically, participation in European research projects that provide substantial funding for collaborative research by international teams may be considered as a great opportunity for young researchers. In this paper results of the survey made on the sample of 17 young scientists are presented. The general conclusion from the analyses conducted with the use of SWOT analysis framework is that reported benefits and opportunities significantly overcome potential personal costs and threats. Of the benefits young researchers rank the highest is the possibility to gain new knowledge and skills and to establish contacts within the international research community. Inspiration resulting from previous activities and the possibility of being involved in future international projects are considered the most important opportunities. Conflict with other work responsibilities and less time devoted to families are the key personal costs.

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How to Cite
Majewski, E. (2010). Participation of young researchers in realization of European research projects as an opportunity to improve methodological capabilities. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 97(2), 76–83.

British Council 2010: Young Scientists programme. [ young_scientists_programme.pdf].

Ishiyama J. 2002: Does early participation in undergraduate research benefit social science and humanities students? College Student Journal, September.

ITP 2010: Providing Young Researchers Opportunities to Perform on the Global Stage. [http://].



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