The concentration of land in the Polish private agriculture

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Józef Zegar

Keywords : land ownership, family agricultural farm, agrarian structure, land concentration
The paper aims to present two dimensions of the concentration process in agriculture, namely: the relation of agricultural holdings and family farms, as well the agrarian structure of individual farming. The first dimension, history don’t provide explicit information, because there were same kind of land ownerships relocation. In relation to agrarian structure, there was observed the tendency of land concentration in small number of family agricultural farms, although in many developing countries this trend has the opposite direction. The Constitution of the Republic of Poland highlights the mining of family agricultural farms. The agrarian structure of private agriculture is fragmented and it is popularly considered as being in stagnation. This general opinion inaccurately illustrates facts, although acceleration of concentration within limits is desirable.

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How to Cite
Zegar, J. (2009). The concentration of land in the Polish private agriculture. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(4), 256–266.

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