Profitability of milk production in different livestock keeping systems in an agricultural enterprise

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Tadeusz Filipiak
Artur Ruchniewicz

Keywords : systems of livestock keeping, costs of milk production, profitability of milk production
The paper aims to analyze the organizational changes, introduction of new technology as well as profitability of milk production in different livestock keeping systems (traditional and modern) in the chosen agricultural enterprise. It shows that in the researched farm in both systems revenues as well as costs of the production increased. The dynamics of increase of income from sale was higher in the modern system then in traditional, accordingly 71% vs. 26%. In the modern system the dynamics of increase of production’s costs was much lower than in the traditional, i.e. 5% vs. 10%. Thus, the paper argues that the costs of production of 1 liter of milk in the modern system decreased, while in the traditional system increased. In both systems in the costs structure the highest share have costs of fodders, costs of heard renovation as well as labor costs. Introduction of new technology into the livestock keeping besides increase of profitability and decrease of labor-consumption is also important due to new and more strict requirement concerning sanitary standards and animal welfare.

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How to Cite
Filipiak, T., & Ruchniewicz, A. (2009). Profitability of milk production in different livestock keeping systems in an agricultural enterprise. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(3), 284–292.

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