Mechanization services on family farms in Poland. Economic and organizational aspects

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Andrzej Radwan
Aleksander Wadoń

Keywords : family farms, mechanization services, service structure
The paper presents an analysis of the scale and structure of mechanization services purchased by family farms situated in four regions of Poland differing with their socio-economic conditions. The basis for the article were the results of empirical research conducted on a representative group of 555 farms. Determined were the factors affecting the diversified demand for services depending on the farm area, the numbers of tractors and farm machinery and technical economic level of agriculture. The work contains also an analysis of subject structure of services – private hire, neighborly help and services provided by the agricultural circle units. The analysis revealed diversification of the level of purchased mechanization services and in its structure conditioned by the level of agriculture development and interrelations of production factors.

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How to Cite
Radwan, A., & Wadoń, A. (2009). Mechanization services on family farms in Poland. Economic and organizational aspects. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(3), 256–264.

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