Differentiation of output and economic results of farms conducting different types of production

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Adam Marcysiak
Agata Marcysiak

Keywords : agricultural type, productivity, profitability
An agricultural type constitutes one of criteria used to characterize the agricultural farm in the EU. It is determined on the basis of the share of individual activities in contributing to the total value of a farm’s Standard Gross Margin (SGM). The purpose of this study is the attempt to show Differentiation of output and economic results of farms conducting different types of production. Land, labor and capital productivity and profitability were utilized to assess management effectiveness at individual types of farms. The range of differentiation the productive and economic results farms at differentiating types of production.

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How to Cite
Marcysiak, A., & Marcysiak, A. (2009). Differentiation of output and economic results of farms conducting different types of production. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(3), 202–208. https://doi.org/10.22630/RNR.2009.96.3.48

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