Optimizing the layout of farmland in a village with the use of elementary village area sectionalization

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Stanisław Harasimowicz
Jarosław Janus
Barbara Ostrągowska

Keywords : matrix distance, optimization of parcels being allocated
The developed model of optimizing the layout of farmland involves the sectionalization of the area into small elementary sections. These sections are marked off within the complexes of plots under the design project and along the fixed direction of designing those plots. With this specific model, it is possible to relatively accurately describe the layout of plots in relation to farm sites and to shape plains of plots by connecting the neighboring elementary sections assigned to a given farm. Based on this type of optimization, the elementary sections are assigned to farms in such a way that the distances between the farms and their sites are minimized. The basic procedures relating to the construction of the optimization model, as well as its solutions have been automated using computer software, and, owing to this fact, it is possible to practically apply the method developed.

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How to Cite
Harasimowicz, S., Janus, J., & Ostrągowska, B. (2009). Optimizing the layout of farmland in a village with the use of elementary village area sectionalization. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 96(3), 77–87. https://doi.org/10.22630/RNR.2009.96.3.35

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