State of the art of Polish plant breeding in the year 2008

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Karol Marciniak

Keywords : plant breeding, plant breeder’s rights, royalties, farmer’s exemption, plant breeding research
State owned domestic plant breeding is facing free market reality after the public support come to a full stop. Nowadays, the usage of certified seed exchange is extremely low, illegal seed market is common and the competition from foreign breeders grows up every year. Moreover, the state research institutes compete in commercial breeding with the branch they are expected to create new knowledge and germplasm for. Despite this national breeders are still able to develop competitive varieties in majority of the crops. However essential changes must be introduced to maintain and develop domestic plant breeding: consolidation of the state owned breeding enterprises in one hand and then careful privatization, maintaining minimis. support for seeds, strengthening Plant Breeder’s Rights, intensification of the marketing and promotion and increased investment in plant breeding research.

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How to Cite
Marciniak, K. (2008). State of the art of Polish plant breeding in the year 2008. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 95(1), 166–173.

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