Activities of Agricultural Economics Committee of Polish Academy of Science in its 50th anniversary – facts, opinions, reflections

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Franciszek Tomczak

Keywords : Agricultural Economics Committee, economy
With reference to the 50th anniversary of the creation the Committee of Economics of Agriculture by the Polish Academy of Sciences, the main problems of the activity of this Committee are presented. Among them the role and significance of the economics of agriculture, present-day state of understanding of this science as the economics of agriculture academic discipline and conditions of theirs further development as well as the changes of agriculture production and rural development are discussed. The opinions, reflections, questions and present conditions of the transformation, integration and globalization processes are presented, too. This new conditions change radically the development rules for the Polish agriculture in the new EU-27

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How to Cite
Tomczak, F. (2008). Activities of Agricultural Economics Committee of Polish Academy of Science in its 50th anniversary – facts, opinions, reflections. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 94(2), 15–26.

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