Resources and economic situation polish farms on less favored areas of FADN system

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Dorota Klepacka-Kołodziejska

Keywords : The European Union, rural areas development, Common Agricultural Policy, less favoured areas, FADN
The paper presents results of research on farms operating at less favoured areas. The analysis were conducted based on FADN data from 2005. The following attributes were taken into consideration: farm economic potential, organisation and production results. The research revealed that the share of the compensatory allowances for LFA in income of the smallest, mountain farms was the lowest. Moreover, farms in Małopolska and Pogórze regions (mountain areas) have substantially worse indicators than other regions what is good implication for strengthening regional support for them. The results showed that there is inconsiderable difference between resources and economic situation of non LFA and so called .other LFA., what impeach the propriety of the LFA delimitation system in Poland.

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How to Cite
Klepacka-Kołodziejska, D. (2007). Resources and economic situation polish farms on less favored areas of FADN system. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 94(1), 51–65.

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