Economic situation of dairy farmers in different producer prices scenario

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Artur Wilczyński
Małgorzata Karolewska

Keywords : producer prices scenario, dairy farms, farm income, returns
Polish dairy farms after EU accession faced many changes in technical farm organization as well as in economic situation. Introduction of four producer prices scenario and one producer cost scenario shows development of returns and incomes in analyzed farms in the period 2007-2009. Scenario which basis on world prices shows that very high decrease of farm income and agricultural activity will be unprofitable. All dairy farms with high share of dairy production in farms returns after implementing all prices scenario have a decline of farm profit in 2007-2009.

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How to Cite
Wilczyński, A., & Karolewska, M. (2007). Economic situation of dairy farmers in different producer prices scenario. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 94(1), 23–28.

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