Composite leading indicators of business activity for food Economy in the period 1975-2005 and 1992-2005

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Marcin Idzik

Keywords : business cycle indicators, synthetic business confidence measure, food processing sector, forecasts
The author presents a composite leading indicators of business activity for food sector, compiled according to the OECD methodology. First part of the paper examines the chronology and the amplitude of growth cycles observed in the development of the economy in the period of 1975-2005. The second part presents for alternative versions of composite leading indicators for food sector. All are well correlated with the reference cycle, but they display very short leads if any. Nonetheless, the barometer may be useful in monitoring cyclical developments in the economy.

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How to Cite
Idzik, M. (2006). Composite leading indicators of business activity for food Economy in the period 1975-2005 and 1992-2005. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 92(2), 16–28.

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