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Stanisław Kowalczyk

Keywords : food safety, interventionism, food adulteration, food law, food controls, short supply chains, consumer movements
The study attempts to identify potential threats to food safety resulting from the globalization process and the directly related extreme liberalization of economic relations at the international level as well as indication of the necessary remedial actions in the field of food safety protection. The analysis covered the contemporary status of food safety and the scale of occurring food fraud in the world. The remedial actions include the establishment of a global food law, undertaking food control initiatives at the supranational level, the promotion of short supply chains, and finally the consumer education and strengthening of consumer movements.

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How to Cite
Kowalczyk, S. (2017). FREE MARKET AND THE FOOD SAFETY IN THE GLOBALIZATION ERA. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 104(4), 15–27.

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