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Tomasz Siudek
Katarzyna Drabarczyk

Keywords : economic development, synthetic indicator, counties
The purpose of the work was to determine the level of economic development of districts in Mazovia Province using the author’s synthetic index. The obtained data show that in the years 2006-2015 the best districts in terms of economic development were cities with district rights: Warsaw, Płock and Ostrołęka, as well as districts bordering Warsaw, such as piaseczyński and pruszkowski. By contrast, the districts in the south and east of Mazovia Province, such as: lipski, przysuski, zwoleński, siedlecki and szydłowiecki, were the worst in terms of economic development.

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How to Cite
Siudek, T., & Drabarczyk, K. (2017). ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF MAZOVIA PROVINCE CO UNTIES – MULTIDIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 104(2), 64–75.

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