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Mariola Chrzanowska
Nina Drejerska

Keywords : rural-urban typology, spatial autocorrelation, Moran’s statistic
Unemployment is traditionally a phenomenon analysed by economists. Recently these investigations are often run with use of methods allowing for identification of spatial autocorrelation on the labour market. The aim of the study is to analyse spatial interrelationships of the unemployment rate between Polish regions (NUTS2) and then to verify if any results can be interpreted through a perspective of the urban-rural classification for NUTS 3 regions applied by the European Union. Research covered the period from 2004 to 2014 and was based on the data of the Central Statistical Office of Poland. The global and local Moran’s statistics were applied. Results prove existence of spatial patterns on labour market in Poland - local statistics indicate that outliers and clusters of similar regions occur.

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Chrzanowska, M., & Drejerska, N. (2016). UNEMPLOYMENT IN POLISH REGIONS FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF SPATIAL AUTOCORRELATION. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 103(3), 101–116. https://doi.org/10.22630/RNR.2016.103.3.30

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