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Irena Ozimek
Julita Szlachciuk

Keywords : quality, food, safety, young consumers
The aim of this study was to assess the perception of food quality and safety from young consumers’ point of view. The study was conducted among 1121 respondents aged 16 to 24. The findings show that food quality and safety are terms which are interpreted by consumers in various ways depending on socio-demographic characteristics. There is a need to undertake educational activities aimed at young consumers to make them aware of the variety of factors that constitute perception of both food quality and food safety and should be taken into consideration when making decisions, and to realise the responsibility for the safety level of food they buy and consume.

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How to Cite
Ozimek, I., & Szlachciuk, J. (2016). PERCEPTION OF FOOD QUALITY AND SAFETY AMONG YOUNG CONSUMERS. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 103(2), 18–30.

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