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Alina Daniłowska
Adam Zając

Keywords : land communities, common forest, commons, end to landlordism, governance of commons
The aim of the paper is to recognise and evaluate models of governance of commons by land communities in Poland on the example of two active communities. The evaluation was carried out from the perspective of public choice theory. The analysis showed that examined communities adopted some Elinor Ostrom’s solutions for good governance of the commons like boundaries on using the commons, adjusting rules of using to the local circumstan­ces, involvement majority of co-owners in governance, effective monitoring of using, sense of community. In both examined land communities, the rules of using the commons are worked out and the special internal commissions are responsible for monitoring of the owners behaviors against commons. Many members of communities are involved in governance and current management. The sense of community is build by current activity. Without the sense of community these two communities would exist only formally like thousands of communities in the country.

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How to Cite
Daniłowska, A., & Zając, A. (2015). THE GOVERNING OF COMMONS ON THE EXAMPLE OF LAND COMMUNITIES IN POLAND. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 102(2), 14–22.

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