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Zofia Kołoszko-Chomentowska
Leszek Sieczko

Keywords : small farm, organization, development, income
This paper undertakes to assess the organizational and economic changes in small agricultural holdings in the Podlasie voivodeship, subject to FADN observation. The assessment accounts for changes in factors of production and in selected production and economic results in the years 2011-2012. Plant production was limited to cereals, without more demanding plants. Cattle, including dairy cows, were dominant in the animal structure. There was a downward trend in swine livestock population. The technical level of work increased, as well as the profitability of land and labor. Poorer effectiveness of fixed assets is the result of high technical development of the land and labor, which generates high fixed costs and reduces the level of effectiveness. Despite growth of the level of income from an agricultural holding, its relation to the parity rate was unfavorable. In 2011, the value of income per family member employed full-time made up 47% of parity income, and this value was further reduced in 2012, when this relation was equal to just 42%.

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How to Cite
Kołoszko-Chomentowska, Z., & Sieczko, L. (2015). ORGANIZATION AND RESULTS OF SMALL AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS IN THE PODLASIE VOIVODESHIP. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 102(1), 115–122.

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