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Tadeusz Filipiak

Keywords : factor productivity, farm vegetable
The main objective of the study was to assess changes in the factors of production that occurred in the vegetable farms, and to determine their productivity. The study based on data from farms participated in Polish FADN. For the farms that based on field production the land is an important factor influencing the results. The results of research show that these holdings have greater resources of land, smaller labour capacity. However the vegetable farms that produce under the cover have been characterised by twice bigger value of property compared to producing on the fields. Additionally it has been found that in vegetable farms the capital replaces land factor, and the production becomes of a quasi-industrial nature. With twice smaller area, about half of the larger volume of work and twice the value of the property holdings with crops under cover worked out three times higher the value of production then these producing on the field. On the later farms, the value of field vegetable production was strongly associated with the increase of all basic factors of production, however one can not specify an overriding importance of one of them. Magnifying holding’s area was associated with increasing labour resources and enlarging the property. An important finding is that the higher the resources value is the resources’ efficiency increased too. In farms cultivating vegetables under cover, there was no increase in labour productivity with increasing farm size.

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How to Cite
Filipiak, T. (2014). CHANGES IN THE FACTORS OF PRODUCTION AND PRODUCTIVITY IN VEGETABLE FARMS. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 101(3), 51–65.

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