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Małgorzata Juchniewicz

Keywords : competitiveness, food industry, international export and import of food products, the countries of the European Union
The aim of the study was to determine the changes in the international competitiveness of the EU food industry. Competitiveness ranking was based on synthetic indicator, which consisted of the following sub-indicators: participation in the export market, the index of revealed comparative advantage, export-import coverage ratio and the Grubel-Lloyd index. The average levels of these indicators and their changes was calculated for years 2000-2003 and 2009-2011. The study indicates the improvement of the competitiveness of the food industry in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, with a slight deterioration in the competitiveness of the industry of some small countries in Western Europe. Ranking of the competitiveness of the food industry is dominated by countries like the Netherlands, France, Spain, Denmark and Germany. Poland has improved level of the synthetic indicator in 2009-2011 compared to earlier period of analysis, but has not improved its position (occupied respectively 9 and 10 place among EU countries).

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How to Cite
Juchniewicz, M. (2014). TRENDS IN INTERNATIONAL COMPETITIVENESS OF THE EU FOOD INDUSTRY. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 101(1), 31–40.

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