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Andrzej Jędruchniewicz

Keywords : Austrian School, production structure, business cycle, agribusiness, agricultural means of production
This work aims to verify the hypothesis which states that cyclical changes in the manufacture of agricultural means of production are more dynamic than changes in the production of foodstuffs. This stems from the Austrian School theory. In the theoretical part of this work the time-structure of production theory and its application to agribusiness is discussed. Whereas in the empirical part researches on the directions and dynamics of changes in the manufacture of selected means of production for agriculture and foodstuffs in the Polish economy have been conducted. They have shown that during the research period most production changes of the analysed means of production destined for agriculture were in line with the Austrian School hypothesis. During that period changes which are not consistent with the hypothesis also took place.

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How to Cite
Jędruchniewicz, A. (2013). CHANGES IN THE MANUFACTURE OF AGRICULTURAL MEANS OF PRODUCTION IN LIGHT OF THE AUSTRIAN SCHOOL THEORY. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 100(4), 62–73.

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