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Jacek Maśniak

Keywords : agricultural land prices, business cycle, price structure
The paper explains the cyclical fluctuations of the agricultural land prices. The study focused on the changes in nominal prices of agricultural land, as well as the price structure in agriculture on the basis of selected indicators. The theoretical background of the research was an Austrian theory of the business cycle. Between the years 1998 and 2012, during a period of an economic boom, the increase of land prices in Poland was fast. During economic stagnations the increase of land prices was slow. In the periods of the business cycle the price structure was changed. The fluctuations of the land prices were higher than the consumer goods prices, which is a typical phenomenon for the investment goods.

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How to Cite
Maśniak, J. (2013). CYCLICAL FLUCTUATIONS OF THE AGRICULTURAL LAND PRICES IN POLAND – THEORETICAL AND EMPIRICAL APPROACH. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 100(3), 115–122.

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