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Karol Kociszewski

Keywords : agri-environmental programme, environment protection in agriculture, external effects of agriculture
The goals of the article are to identify the impact of the environmental programme’s operations on agricultural production and to assess the effectiveness of its implementation in Poland. The paper consists of a theoretical part (based on selected elements of the external effects theory) and an empirical one (a description of the programme’s implementation). Theoretical analysis shows that the use of described measures in as wide a range as possible would be appropriate in light of widely understood social welfare – especially in the context of sustainable development. In practice, the implementation of the programme in Poland is not very effective. The share of expenditures on agri-environmental measures in the Polish Rural Development Plan (in 2004-2006 and 2007-2013) is one of the lowest in the EU. The measures have been implemented in a limited area (9% of Polish UAA - physical area) and involve a relatively small number of farmers (4.5% of the whole number of Polish farms exceeding 1 hectare).

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How to Cite
Kociszewski, K. (2013). IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AGRI-ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMME IN LIGHT OF THE EXTERNAL EFFECTS THEORY. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 100(3), 49–61.

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