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Stanisław Bagieński
Aleksandra Perek

Keywords : concentration of assets, own funds, liquidity, solvency, profitability
The article presents changes in financial situation of cooperative banks in the years 2005-2011, taking into account differences in the size of banks resulting from the measured value of the assets. The research used quantitative data contained in the financial statements of 574 cooperative banks, published in the Monitor Cooperative B. Throughout the study period, the functioning of cooperative banks was safe, stable and profitable. The whole sector was characterized by moderate variability (concentration) of the assets. Despite this, the size of the bank measured by the value of assets differentiated their financial situation. Large banks have more dynamic growth, a lower return on assets and a higher return on equity. Small banks have a higher share of equity in total assets and higher capital adequacy ratios. They achieved a greater return on assets because the rate margins have increased and because they have operated with lower interest expense.

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How to Cite
Bagieński, S., & Perek, A. (2013). THE VALUE OF ASSETS OF COOPERATIVE BANKS AND THEIR FINANCIAL SITUATION. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 100(2), 37–52.

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