Social marketing concept: benefits of using public relations in the practice of food enterprises in Slovakia

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Zdenka Kádeková
Ľudmila Nagyová

Keywords : Social Marketing Concept, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR ), Public Relations (PR ), Food Enterprises, Events, Publicity, Education, Benefits
Paper defines applying of social marketing concept in the practice of food enterprises in Slovakia and connected benefits. Under review were activities of Public Relations (PR ) and its most used tools in condition of the Slovak Republic - event marketing, publicity and education. The reputation of company leads customers to the company when deciding about purchase. Public relations create the base for an economic growth of the company and its prosperity, as well as the ability to survive in the fierce competition, which are considered as the economic benefits resulting from the application of PR activities, in the practice of food enterprises. The survey showed that using of chosen PR tools - events, publicity and education, offer significant benefits to food enterprises. Social benefits resulting from implementation of PR in their practice could be taken as building and protecting reputation and awareness in the public eyes.

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How to Cite
Kádeková, Z., & Nagyová, Ľudmila. (2012). Social marketing concept: benefits of using public relations in the practice of food enterprises in Slovakia. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 99(3), 51–59.

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