Charges for water services in polish agriculture under the national law and the requirements of the European Union

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Ewa Rauba

Keywords : water users, agriculture, water services, charges, principle of cost recovery
Water users can be divided into three basic groups: households and individuals using water for drinking, industry and agriculture. Agriculture, contrary to municipal services and industry, uses usually non-purified water collected directly from the source. Such water is usually used to water arable land. The European Union included in its Water Framework Directive the term of water services. With the appearance of the term of water services, the principle of cost recovery of water service costs was introduced. This rule relates to all users of water services, including agriculture. In Poland agriculture in the context of surface water extraction for irrigation, did not have any charges imposed until 2018. The aim of this article was to present the charge system for water extraction for agriculture purposes in Poland in comparison to the requirements of the European Union and the principle of cost recovery for water services.

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How to Cite
Rauba, E. (2018). Charges for water services in polish agriculture under the national law and the requirements of the European Union. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 105(2), 130–139.

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