Property rights of goods and their implications for agricultural land transfer

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Alina Sikorska
Adam Wasilewski

Keywords : agricultural land, property rights, market land transfer, non-market land transfer
The aim of the research was to determine the relationship between market and non-market transfer of property rights of agricultural land. This analysis was carried out due to the second proposition of the theory of well-being, from which it follows that every effective allocation in the Pareto sense can be achieved as a result of the decentralized market mechanism. In addition, an attempt was made to answer the question: if, and if so, how, the existing system of property rights limits the scale of the market allocation of land resources. The research also assessed the state's interference in the process of land allocation. The results of the research are presented in two parts. The first part presents the main assumptions of the theory of property rights, the issue of state interference in the scope of property rights and the resulting consequences for trade in land. In the second part, the market and non-market transfers of physical property were analyzed. Based on the obtained results, it was found that there are possibilities for further development of the market, and there are premises for a gradual improvement in the efficiency of land allocation in Poland.

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How to Cite
Sikorska, A., & Wasilewski, A. (2018). Property rights of goods and their implications for agricultural land transfer. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 105(2), 14–24.

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