Changes and conditions of labour productivity in the agriculture of the European Union in the years 2005-2016

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Zbigniew Gołaś

Keywords : labour productivity, agriculture, deterministic models, European Union
The main aim of the work was to present the changes observed in the labour productivity in EU agriculture in years 2005-2016. The author proposed also the methodical decomposition of the labor productivity ratio in agriculture. Seven factors (ratios) have been taken into account in three models of labor productivity decomposition. These factors are: inputs productivity, land productivity, value added index, production taxation, production subsidies, equipment employed in agricultural land and the level of agricultural production intensity. The use of the deterministic method allowed to analyse the changes in labour productivity from the perspectives both in the EU agriculture (EU-28) and in the Polish agriculture. Performed studies seems to prove that in the years 2005-2016 the labor productivity measured by gross value added increased in case of EU-28 by average 2.13% and in the case of EU-15 only by 0.98%. At the same time, higher increase was observed in the case of EU-13 which equal to 3.45%. It may suggest that can be observe the ongoing process of the labor productivity convergence in EU agriculture. In the light of deterministic analysis, it was possible to specify the main factors contributing to the increase in labor productivity in agriculture in the EU-28 and in Poland, which are the increase in production intensity and the increase in agricultural land/labour relation. However, it should be also noted that the favorable direction of changes in labour productivity was weakened by the decreasing efficiency of production measured by the inputs productivity and the share of value added in revenues.

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How to Cite
Gołaś, Z. (2019). Changes and conditions of labour productivity in the agriculture of the European Union in the years 2005-2016. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 106(1), 22–35.

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