Perceptual accessibility of rural tourism offers

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Karol Król

Keywords : agrotouristic offer, text accessibility, readability formula, Gunning fog index, Jasnopis
Properly edited and presented description of service or product offer can decide about efficiency of a website. Difficult texts full of professional expressions and without subtitles can be unclear for many customers. The same applies to descriptions of rural tourism offers. The aim of the paper was to evaluate perceptual accessibility of the offers published on the websites of the objects of rural tourism. The offers placed on 515 websites were analysed. The surveys were conducted in qualitative terms. A representative sample of a 180-200-word text was collected from every website and then analysed by means of Jasnopis and Logios internet applications. The surveys were also carried out in quantitative terms. The quantitative analysis included measurements of content ratio to the website’s code performed by means of three internet applications. The results were standardized with use of zero unitarization and then the relation between the quantity of published texts and their perceptual accessibility was examined. In conclusion, it was revealed that the offers located on the websites of rural tourism objects are written in more difficult but accessible language. However, at the same time, the significant number of websites presented small amounts of content which in the longer term can affect negatively their efficiency

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How to Cite
Król, K. (2018). Perceptual accessibility of rural tourism offers. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 105(1), 81–91.

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