The role of large agricultural farms in the growth of the productivity of Polish agriculture in the background of the situation in other selected countries of the European Union

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Wojciech Józwiak
Zofia Mirkowska
Wojciech Ziętara

Keywords : labor productivity in agriculture, farms, farm structure
The study focuses on the analysis of labor productivity in Polish agriculture in 2005 and 2016 in comparison to selected EU-15 countries (group 1) and some countries that joined the EU after 2004. In group 1, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany are included, while in group 2 - the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia and Hungary. The analysis particularly considers the role of large farms, the size of which was contractually agreed at 30 ha of UAA. The aim of the study was to determine the impact of large farms on the level of labor productivity in total farms and to determine the possibility of reducing the differences between labor productivity in Polish large farms in relation to analogous farms in EU-15 countries, and determining whether changes occurring in Poland differ from those occurring in large farms in other post-socialist countries. In both groups of countries there was a decrease in the number of farms and an increase in labor productivity in agriculture in general and in surveyed classes in large farms. In the countries of group 2. the rate of labor productivity growth was higher than in group 1. However, it slightly reduced the differences. Labor productivity in agriculture in the countries of Group 1 was significantly higher than in Group 2. The increase in the number and share of large farms in the structure of farms was positively correlated with labor productivity in agriculture.

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How to Cite
Józwiak, W., Mirkowska, Z., & Ziętara, W. (2018). The role of large agricultural farms in the growth of the productivity of Polish agriculture in the background of the situation in other selected countries of the European Union. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 105(1), 32–46.

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