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Stanisław Stańko
Agnieszka Bezat

Keywords : efficiency, grain trade enterprises, the DEA method, the SFA method
Within the framework of the paper the problem of assessment of relationship between the efficiency of grain trade enterprises and their localization related to supply markets was analyzed. In the research, as a main method, the parametric stochastic SFA method (based on the translogarytmic function), and, as a verification method, the nonparametric deterministic DEA method were applied. The use of the integrated approach that combines the advantages of both methods while limiting their weaknesses allowed comparing the results and formulating reliable conclusions. In order to verify an existence of the relationship between the efficiency and localization of enterprises the obtained indicators of technical efficiency for both the stochastic (models S1-S5) and deterministic (models D1-D5) approaches were related with the localization relative to the supply markets. On the basis of the results the dependency of the two analyzed variables was found.

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How to Cite
Stańko, S., & Bezat, A. (2011). EFFICIENCY OF POLISH GRAIN TRADE ENTERPRISES AND THEIR LOCALIZATION RELATIVE TO THE SUPPLY MARKETS. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 98(4), 36–48. https://doi.org/10.22630/RNR.2011.98.4.45

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