Factors influencing changes of income of co-operating farm producer groups from voivode Podkarpackie

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Marta Domagalska-Grędys

Keywords : cooperation of farmers, factors influencing change in income
Group work is one of the forms of organization, to increase farmers income. The article focuses on internal factors influencing the outcomes of group work. The aim of this study was to determine: what type of member, what ways of making decisions and what conditions defining the tasks (planning, deliberation, attitudes towards other members, the risk of tasks, the occurrence of fear and punishment) is accompanied by change in income. The sources of information were the opinions of farmers are members of groups of producers of Podkarpackie Provence obtained in the questionnaire interview in the year 2006. The results indicate that in farms where income has increased after joining to group, the general type of farmer (member) type was friendly, way of making decisions were: group decision and negotiating and tasks were based on a plan, discipline and internal accountability members, showing respect to each other and common tasks.

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How to Cite
Domagalska-Grędys, M. (2010). Factors influencing changes of income of co-operating farm producer groups from voivode Podkarpackie. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 97(4), 45–53. https://doi.org/10.22630/RNR.2010.97.4.61

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