The spatial differentiation of agricultural potential in EU countries

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Agnieszka Baer-Nawrocka
Natalia Markiewicz

Keywords : agricultural potential, EU countries, synthetic coefficient, TOPSIS method
The paper aims to assess the differentiation of agricultural potential in EU-27 countries. Synthetic coefficient constructed using TOPSIS method, based on the FADN data was calculated. The values of the coefficient for analyzed countries was used to classify countries into four typology groups. The results show that the highest potential concern well developed countries of EU and two of the EU new member states – Czech Republic and Slovakia. While the lowest agricultural potential refers to Greece, Romania and Slovenia. These countries are characterized by relatively high deconcentration of agricultural production structure and AWU/ha numbers.

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Baer-Nawrocka, A., & Markiewicz, N. (2010). The spatial differentiation of agricultural potential in EU countries. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 97(4), 9–15.

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