Agricultural lease as a land mobility instrument in Poland in the course of centuries

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Bożena Tańska-Hus

Keywords : lease agricultural, scope lease, resources lease
The article presents a land mobility analysis through land lease in Poland in the course of centuries. There have been described the range and sources of land lease in Poland in the period of the periods of Partitions of Poland, the II Republic of Poland, the Polish People’s Republic and at present. The research revealed that a land lease was and still is a relevant factor of land mobility which contributes to farms enlargement and to creation of new farms of larger land area. The land mobility through state and private lease is characterized by the territorial diversity.

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How to Cite
Tańska-Hus, B. (2010). Agricultural lease as a land mobility instrument in Poland in the course of centuries. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 97(3), 279–289.

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