The research on the effectiveness of higher education - effectiveness of the public universities of agriculture in 2006-2008

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Michał Świtłyk
Zbigniew Mongiało

Keywords : efficiency, universities, DEA
The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of higher education in Poland in 2006-2008. For the analysis adopted by 59 universities under the supervision of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, with particular emphasis on agricultural education. The method of oriented VRS DEA. The average coefficients of performance of universities in the years 2006-2008. The university research model was used consisting of 2 outputs (number of students in total, the value of funds raised for research) and two inputs (the value of gross wages, the value of the remaining cost generic). The average VRS efficiency ratio in 2006-2008 ranged from 84% to 88.6%. The highest efficiency ratios were characterized by VRS technical schools and the lowest rates were recorded in the effectiveness of the economic and agricultural universities. An analysis of output gaps that cause inefficiency university can be incorrectly implemented managerial function of organizing.

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How to Cite
Świtłyk, M., & Mongiało, Z. (2010). The research on the effectiveness of higher education - effectiveness of the public universities of agriculture in 2006-2008. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 97(3), 269–278.

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