The economics of security – the dilemmas of its origin and development as well as the search for its own paradigm

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Zenon Stachowiak

Keywords : economics of security, economics of defense, economic security, new institutional economics
The dilemmas taken up in this article were formulated on methodological and content-related aspects of the origin and development of the detailed economics which is the economics of safety. In search of methodological rudiments of the newly-established branch of science an attempt has been made to define subject and object of research and its location among other branches of science as well as its relation to the economics of defense. The starting point has become the identification of the philosophy of the economics of security on the subsoil of economy and security problems. Its development was hampered by multiple dilemmas (methodological, ideological, economic, political, historical, sociological and psychological) resulting from the global and regional challenges of contemporary world. From among numerous solutions the subsoil of the new institutional economics is one of them. On its grounds it has become reasonable to elaborate the paradigm of the economics of security and formulation of prerequisites for construction of the model of economic security.

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How to Cite
Stachowiak, Z. (2010). The economics of security – the dilemmas of its origin and development as well as the search for its own paradigm. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 97(2), 121–132.

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