Modeling of economic development, on the example of rural development policy and regional general equilibrium model RegPOL

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Katarzyna Zawalińska

Keywords : regional CGE models, rural development Policy, modeling of economic development
Article aims to show how the regional general equilibrium models can be used to assess the economic development created by various state intervention. An example illustrating this phenomenon is a regional computable general equilibrium model RegPOL used to assess rural development policy in Poland. The study stresses and shows based on the empirical application of the RegPOL model that regional CGE models, although not without flaws, are very well placed in the evaluation of multisectoral policies. Their holistic approach to the economy determines that they are a useful tool to evaluate various types of intervention in rural development policy, which exactly is multisectoral, going far beyond the agricultural sector alone.

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Zawalińska, K. (2010). Modeling of economic development, on the example of rural development policy and regional general equilibrium model RegPOL. Annals of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development, 97(2), 62–75.

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